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Gross Heat of Combustion
BS EN ISO1716:2018

United Kingdom Testing and Certification can offer Reaction to Fire Testing Services through strategic partner laboratories that are UKAS accredited for this activity.


Gross Heat of Combustion Test (BS EN ISO1716:2018)


This test determines the potential maximum total heat release of a product when completely burned, regardless of its end use.


This method determines the absolute value of the heat of combustion for a product without accounting for inherent product variability.


The mass per unit area of each non-substantial component must be provided by the client or calculated in the laboratory.


A minimum of 50g from a homogenous product or substantial component and 10g from any non-substantial component is to be sampled, ground into a fine powder and conditioned.

A worker holding a cyndrical metal cylinder above an oven

After conditioning a 0.5g sample is selected and placed in a crucible inside the pressurised vessel (bomb), together with combustion aids if necessary (benzoic acid or paraffin oil). The bomb is then filled with 99.5% pure oxygen to a pressure of 30MPa. The bomb is then inserted into the testing apparatus which fills with water and the sample is ignited. The test apparatus measures the rise in temperature of the water and calculates the calorific value of the sample, considering any combustion aids.


A total of 5 sample of each component are tested.


The report will show the calorific value of each project in MJ/kg, Mj/m2 for each non-substantial component, and the total calorific value of the entire product.

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